Monday 19 January 2015

flurry of patch ticks

Having bemoaned the lack of action with regards to the patch year list in my last post, its only natural that I've had a flurry of new birds to add to the list. Nothing earth shattering in any sense, but the 6 additions include peregrine, red-breasted merganser, teal, a very early lesser black-backed gull and a collared dove, which it wouldn't be inconceivable to go a whole year without seeing. And mallard. All of that puts me on 58 for the month, which is my second highest Jan score (falling behind last years total of 61 - still a bit of time to go and plenty of 'dross' to catch up with though). Of course none of this is of any significance compared to what happened on the morning of the 15, when I spent an extremely pleasant 15 minutes watching an otter from the office window!

Excuse the quality - it was a long long way in the dark. Through a window.

In other news, it was good to see that all three of my greenish warblers from August 2013 were accepted by SBRC - including the non-phototgraphed bird that I accidentally tape-lured! Scroll down to batch 191 if you're reading this in the future.

SOC recent decisions 

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