Sunday 22 February 2015


The return to the patch has been, well, slightly less dramatic than the gull and boreal(ish) passerine fest of my trip to Norway! And I say this having had another look at the harbour otter on my first day back in the office.

As always with mid February, the first few signs of spring are appearing - most noticeably the presence, and singing of skylarks all over Girdle Ness. I have added a few species to the patch year list, such as siskin, mute swan and kittiwake (at last!), and the lunchtime high tides have returned a few good wader counts - 98 redshank being particularly notable. In spite of that though it's been desperately quiet...

Saturday 14 February 2015

Some stuff from Bergen

One of the best reasons to go on the G.O Sars IBTS cruise is that invariably you get a wee bit of time to spend in Bergen. Bergen is beautiful, and very cool, and as it's only once a year this is just about enough to take the edge off the price of the beer. It's also got a few decent birds. There is not much going on in the city centre, but there seems to be a peregrine in residence (or at least there was while I was there) and the pond in the city centre has attracted interesting gulls. The only gull of any interest while I was there was this common gull with some retained juvenile scapulars - so presumably a far northern, or possibly heinei - not that I noted any other features that point towards that subspecies on this bird. It's worth noting that these 'late developers' have been observed well in western Norway before - e.g. see here

Much more fun, and offering a very rapid contrast of city centre to the wilds, are the woods at the top of the funicular railway. Just beyond the inevitable gift shop, there are a few feeders that attract, among things, mega looking europaea nuthatches, borealis type willow tits,  and very northern looking treecreepers. Unfortunately, being in a forest, in Norway, in winter, in the rain, the light conditions were awful, which had the same knock on effects on my pictures. Still, that won't stop me posting them...

The willow tits were elusive, and very quick (i.e. too quick for me) at the feeders. Look how cold and grey this bird looks compared to British ones.

The male europaea nuthatches look utterly mega - those crisp white underparts contrasting with the rich, almost brick red rear flanks and UTCs. Females are a bit less striking - not sure I'd pick that as being any different if I saw it in Britain - although the breast does have a certain whiteness to it.

An awful shot but check out the frosty appearance, almost pure white underparts and bright white super that flares behind the eye and bleeds onto the hindneck and mantle.

The squirrels were quite confiding too...!

Caspian gull - G.O Sars, Feb 6th

What a massive surprise this bird was! It first appeared circling round the boat when we were mid survey - and appeared three times before disappearing (presumably into the melee behind the boat) for a few hours. It was incredibly striking in flight, but I wasn't convinced I had enough to nail an ID of such an off the radar spp. That set up a pretty tense few hours where we continued to survey but in reality all I wanted to do was look off the back of the boat! Fortunately it was still present when we stopped to trawl, and eventually it did the very decent thing and landed on the vessel.

It's been claimed as a first for Shetland - which is a little strange as it was at least 100 miles off Shetland (I think - must check though). It was definitely in Scottish waters though, which means it's a bit of a mega.

Doing a little digging, there are 4 records accepted between 2006 and 2009 (see here) and a further 3 reported to Birdguides after that - although 1 of those was only reported as a probable. That means that my bird is likely to be at the very most the 7th record for Scotland. I'll have that! Obviously it an SBRC rare, so here are the annotated pics that were submitted with the description.

White wingers on the Sars

One of the pleasures of doing winter IBTS surveys is that white winged gulls are occasionally attracted to the vessel, along with the many other large gulls, fulmars and gannets. Usually the Scotia does a lot better for white wingers (as indeed it did this time!) but with 7 different glaucs and 2 different icers were a pretty good haul. Funnily enough most of these were in the far north and not too far from Shetland.

Monday 9 February 2015

Some shots from the G.O Sars cruise

Well it's fair to say that it's been an eventful couple of weeks on board the Sars - birdwise at least. And there are still a couple of days to go, so who knows what else might happen! Here are a few shots of the regular ship associates...